All participants and patrons using the indoor soccer complex must abide by these rules and regulations.
Be advised that the soccer complex staff have the right to refuse entry or remove any patron not abiding by these
rules and regulations.
General Rules:
Only water is permitted at field level (no sports drinks). Water fountains are located by each quarter field and bottled water can be purchased at vending machines on the concourse and field level. No beverages besides water will be permitted down to the field level and dressing rooms including coffee.
Only clean shoes that have not been worn outside are permitted on the turf.
Indoor soccer shoes or plastic molded cleats will be permitted. No metal or screw-in cleats are allowed.
No spitting to maintain cleanliness and eliminate excess bacteria on the field.
No food, candy or gum on the field.
No spectators on the field or on the field level walkway behind the net.
Do not go on the field until your scheduled rental time begins and be off the field before your rental time is done.
Throw away/recycle all trash & debris from bench areas and dressing rooms when done.
Anyone using inappropriate language will be removed from the complex.
All teams must have their own first aid kit at their bench. Staff are available to assist you with any injuries beyond what your first aid kit can handle. ALLERGY ALERT: the field is composed of rubber so please alert anyone with latex or other allergies.
The complex is not responsible for lost or damaged property.
If playing football, only light punting is allowed. Do not hit the ceiling, lights are walls.
No alcohol is permitted anywhere in the complex other than in the designated lounge area located on the second floor of the complex.
No pets allowed on the premises.
No smoking allowed inside the building.
Locker Rooms:
Your team will be assigned a dressing room and a locker key. Keys are to be picked up by one team representative at the information booth. You will be asked to leave your car keys in exchange for the locker room key. Return the locker room key when your team has finished using the dressing rooms. If you lose the locker key, you will be required to pay a replacement fee of $25 before receiving your car keys back.
Do not switch dressing rooms/lockers from what you have been assigned.
Please change and shower as quickly as possible. There may be another team assigned to use your dressing room.
Parking is available in the University of Manitoba lots at the front of the building. There is a fee for parking prior to 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday. Parking is free in these lots after 4:30 PM and on weekends. Refer to the parking lot signs for further information.
If you have any questions, please call the soccer complex at 204.953-4747.